Harry Potter

I couldn’t talk about a single favorite movie, because I consider myself a very indecisive person. But I think I'll talk about one of my favorite sagas, "Harry Potter."
Since I was a little girl (when I was about 11 years old) my love for the whole magical world of "Harry Potter" began. First I started with books, and then, with more age and in the company of friends who had the same hobby, I started my taste for the films of the "Harry Potter" saga.
"Harry Potter" is a saga of seven stories that are set in a parallel world, the "magical world" and deal mainly with Harry and his two friends; “Ron” and “Hermione”, who along with other characters face a series of challenges within the magical world, often having to face dark magic and “Lord Voldemort”.
As I said, I'm very hesitant, and I couldn't name only one favorite scene, I couldn't even say which of the seven movies is my favorite, but I think what I like most about each of the films are the scenes of what everyday, of how you live in the magical world. How families are composed, what their houses are like, what their jobs are, what they eat and many other things.
And in that sense, I like it a lot when we show the house of the "Weasley" (family of Ron) and when every year the students go to the "Hogwarts Express" and a witch goes to sell sweets from the magical world .
I think that in the seven films that make up the saga, there is more than one phrase that resonated with me. I think Albus Dumbledore, the rector of the famous school of magic "Hogwarts", said many epic phrases, but there is one that was very important. "Love is a force that is more beautiful and more terrible than death", justifying why Harry had survived the attack of the "Dark Lord", Voldemort.


  1. Wow, I saw Harry Potter when a special friend recommended it to me.
    She and this movie make me believe a lot in magic =)

  2. I think I see a Harry Potter movie at least once a week, I really love it. The whole plot is interesting and sometimes even I think I could also do magic jaja. It is one of my favorite movies.


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