Whatsapp lover

My favorite social network platform is WhatsApp, because it has everything I need; I can call, I can send messages, pictures, upload statuses, photos and stories.

Another reason why Whatsapp is my favorite social network, is because it is free, and I am a university and region, I appreciate too the gratuity of the service. I really save a lot of money, while I can find out what is happening in my home town.
I check my social networks very often, I can'
t spend more than an hour without checking my social networks, because I need to keep myself informed. For example, I check WhatsApp very often, because I can receive some important message or information.
I like to review Instagram because I'm entertained seeing images of friends and famous people while I wait for something.
I also like to review Facebook, because I follow many news and information pages (newspapers, news, etc.), and I like to find out what is happening in the country and curious facts.
I think social networks are very useful but you have to know how to use them correctly.
