My dream job with children and teenagers

I like a job with children and teenagers, especially in vulnerability situation. I love the scholar psychology. I imagine my job full of emotions and moments of constant learning.
My dream job is indoors, because it takes place in schools and closed centers (for example SENAME), but I would like to be able to change that and combine both indoors and outdoors. This I would like because it could create new intervention and learning strategies (in new contexts for children and adolescents).
As for the issue of salary, I'm not really expecting to earn a lot of money (because in reality people who work in this area do not earn a lot of money), but I hope to earn enough money to have a decent life, and if eventually I want to form a family, to be able to contribute to it. I prefer to think that satisfaction will be emotional and spiritual, rather than monetary.
When I arrived at the university, I swore that I would not take any specialization in educational psychology, and every person who asked me if I liked that area, I said no with total security.
But something changed, and little by little I began to approach the area of educational psychology and discover that it is my passion and that is what I want to dedicate myself to.
Why? because I can combine work with children and adolescents in a context as important as it is for example a school.


  1. I really like your future job. I think that would be difficult same times, and you would need to take care of yourself and your mental health, but I think that kind of job is really necessary and you would do it very good, good luck!


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