The forgetting of the native peoples in Chile

Chile is a country that has a wide range of indigenous peoples. However, historically the rights of indigenous peoples have been forgotten. 
As I've grown, I've become aware of the lack of respect for the first inhabitants of our country, the lack of respect for their traditions and their dire ct descendants.
Lately and since I entered the university I've understood even more injustices, specifically linked to the Mapuche people.
Unlike other countries, Chile does not recognize native peoples.
An example of this is that a team of rugby players from Australia recently came to Chile, the "Maori all blacks", the Rugby secondary team in that country, where all the members are from the Maori people.
The existence of this rugby team with natives, is a small act of recognition of indigenous peoples, perhaps something like this is needed in our country, to recognize and value our original peoples in everyday things.
Another situation that makes New Zealand an example of the recognition of indigenous peoples, is the legalization of the Maori language as an official, along with English. In this way, the original culture is not diminished and it is given the same value as English.
Small actions can guide us to a country more proud of our ancestors, and to a country that values its culture and its traditions. It is necessary to recognize in the daily life the native peoples, with concrete and real actions.
What would happen if from small we were taught to value and respect our native peoples?
Everything would be different if perhaps in the schools they taught more about the Mapuche culture, Atacameña, Aymara, etc.
And everything would be different if the rights of the peoples were respected, if the lands, the language and many other things were respected.
So, maybe in a little while, it could be a Mapuche rugby team that visits the Maori Rugby team in New Zealand.


  1. It is really sad the situation that occurs in Chile, compared to other countries, here we despise our culture and our roots, and "praise" customs of other places (mainly North American). We get lost of so much, of so many cultural riches and so much learning when leaving our native towns of sides.


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