Changes to my Study Programme

 I think that as the years have passed, I have become aware of more flaws in my study program. I often talk to my colleagues in the program, and we realize that we agree on many things.
 One of the changes that I would like to make to my study program, has to do with the faculty infrastructure. Many times we do not have space to carry out our academic activities, since every year the number of students that enter the study program increases, but the spaces remain the same. It would be ideal to increase and improve the quality of spaces, buildings and study rooms.
As for the curriculum, I believe that a thorough and complete restructuring should be done, because there are many things to improve. For example, that there is more work in "ground" and from the beginning of training, because only in professional practice do students know reality.

I believe that the change of curriculum is linked with the new teaching methods that can be generated. Perhaps it would be positive if more were taught about real life and not so much from the intellectualization and "the academy". After all, if we are training as psychologists, it’s not only to fill us with knowledge and knowledge, but also to be a contribution for society and the people who need it. For this reason we must have an approach to the true needs of people, and stop pretending to be masters of the truth and gods of psychology.


  1. I agree with you. I think that the faculty has to make endless changes, but as it says in your image "changes / chances" I think we as students could be participants in some of these, taking advantage of the (few I should say) instances that they give us.


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